We're happy to announce that you can now add a loyalty program to your online store, meaning you can enjoy a powerful, turnkey loyalty solution that'll keep customers coming back for more.
Loyalty allows you to grow your business by building a better understanding of what drives long-lasting customer relationships, and use those insights to offer a great customer experience, even when customers aren't in-store.
When a customer joins, customers will be entered in to your loyalty program any time they order with you. As long as they have an account and verify their email, they will be able to see their points and rewards on future orders. One of our goals for loyalty is the ability for you to increase your marketing database in a seamless way. It can be difficult to encourage customers to opt-in to receive marketing communications, so we're currently working on some magic in the background to make this as easy as possible to capture customer emails, while maintaining consent from your customers.
How does it work?
Your customers earn points for every dollar they spend when ordering online. The more they spend the more they earn. It's super simple. Once customers have enough points, they can use them to apply reward discounts at checkout. You can choose to offer one, some or all of these rewards. It's up to you.
Once your customers have entered the program and verified their email, they can see their points balance and redeem rewards in all Bopple-powered ordering apps and online stores. Whether your customer is ordering ahead for pick-up and delivery on the mobile app, or scanning a QR code to order dine-in, they'll have full access to their loyalty profile.
A powerful addition to the Bopple platform
- Built-in to your online ordering experience
- Effortless one-time setup
- Seamless, contactless customer experience
- Supported across all apps and devices
- Flexible for businesses of all sizes
- Turnkey loyalty solution
Ready to launch your loyalty program? Apply here.